Dear Christians, Don’t Be Duped

The first time I ever voted it was for George W. Bush.  I hate even writing that sentence, but I have to confess that because it’s the truth.  I was young, very uninformed as to what one looked for in a president and I’d heard this dude was a christian.  So, I thought ‘hey, he’s a believer, it’d be great if he were president.’  Age brings experience and experience wisdom.   Now our representatives and our president matter an even greater deal because we are diving headfirst into war after war while our economy seems to crumble along with the constitution our country was built on.

It seems there’s a contest between republican candidates that whoever can shout Jesus’ name the loudest and claim they hate abortion the most is the ‘winner.’   I see Rick Santorum and I see a slightly smarter G.W. Bush who fumbles his words less.  Here’s a nice quote from Santorum:

The bottom line is I am for defunding Planned Parenthood,” he told the crowd here. “I am for a federal marriage amendment, which Ron Paul is not. I am for reinstating ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ – which Ron Paul is not. I’m just telling you there are clear differences on someone who is going to go out and speak about the Judeo-Christian values that this country holds, and Ron Paul will not.” (source)

What country is he talking about?  It can’t be the U.S.A.   We’re a melting pot, right?  I mixed bag of differing races, ethnicities, religions, and minds.  We’re not a christian nation.  Our founders were not all christians.  It’s just not true.  And it’s ok.

There are issues at hand that will make or break this country in the near future.   The two primary issues in my opinion are the two I previously mentioned; wars and financial stability.  If you are a christian and you’re more worried about whether Santorum is really a believer or the fact that Romney is mormon then you need to get your priorities straight.   Some would argue that a man’s religion speaks about his character or lack thereof.  I think a man’s character is better discerned by looks at what he does.   Bush’s character was seen when he opted to go to war with Iraq without a congressional declaration and without a reason other than oil. (WMD’s?)   Santorum and other republican “christians” supported this war and support preemptive war with Iran.   It seems a bit self destructive to spend billions of dollars killing other people (which then causes other people to want to kill us) when we could be protecting out borders locally and putting that money into out own economy.  I beg you christians; please, PLEASE do not vote for a candidate simply because you think he’s a christian.  And don’t vote for a candidate that you disagree with but you think that they’re going to win anyway so you might as well vote for the ‘winner.’  Look at the issues at hand.  Think a little bit.  And pray a lot.  I’d rather have a muslim or hindu president that is informed and would follow the constitution than a christian president who only cares about touting his own christianity to win the election and then starts wars and throws the constitution in the garbage.

To address one more thing; some people have said that republicans argue a small issue in anti-abortion rhetoric while the big issues like the economy aren’t seen as important.  This seems to me to be a huge inability of some people to understand others’ perspectives.  If a person believes that life begins at conception then abortion is killing a human life which in other terms could be referred to as murder.  Murder is a pretty big issue, right?  If murder was all of a sudden made legal, I think there’d be some conflicts that would arise over whatever piece of legislation allowed that and the people that wrote it and pushed for it.  All I’m saying is think about it from another perspective.

I’m out.